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Consumer Information

At SUNY Upstate Medical University, we want you to make an informed decision to attend our University. Many government agencies mandate that colleges and universities throughout the United States provide various types of consumer information to current students, prospective students, and (in some cases) the general public. We take pride in providing you not only the information required by federal law, but also additional useful information and disclosures on various aspects of our University. Therefore, we have gathered this material by category into a number of detailed web pages. These pages are linked below.

Please contact any staff member in the Admissions or Financial Aid Offices for assistance with any of this information. Also, for detailed information about financial aid eligibility and programs, please visit the Financial Aid Home Page.

Academic Credit for Study Abroad: Information concerning student's enrollment in a study abroad program and receiving academic credit may be found on the University website. Student's requiring additional information should check with the appropriate Dean's Office to determine how and what circumstances credit may be awarded for international experiences.

Career Development: Find out how SUNY Upstate Medical University can assist you in formulating a plan for your future and how to take steps to achieve your goals. Career Development is offered to students in the College of Medicine, College of Nursing and College of Health Professions and College of Graduate Studies. Please refer to n34j.geo-drillchina.com/currentstudents/career. Information on Career Development is also provided in the Student Handbook.

Completion, Graduation and Employment Information (Student Right to Know Act): The most recent retention, completion, graduation and employment data is published on the University's Consumer Information page by graduate and professional degree program. Here you will also find information related to student performance on licensing exams and placement and employment rates. The undergraduate information may be obtained via the College Navigator site.

Constitution and Citizenship Day Activities: SUNY Upstate Medical University conducts educational programs and activities on the United States Constitution each September 17, commemorating the September 17, 1787 signing of the constitution. However, when September 17 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, Constitution Day shall be held during the preceding or following week.  Specific details are published on the University library website at http://upstate.libguides.com/content.php?pid=620106. Educational information is highlighted via a dedicated webpage during the week of Constitution Day and copies of the US Constitution are made available to members of the community.

Copyright Infringement Policy: The policy against copyright infringement, including the illegal downloading and/or sharing of electronic media files. This information is also located in the Student Handbook, Student Code of Conduct, Article IV #20.

Cost of Attendance (COA) and Net Price Calculator (NPC): SUNY Upstate Medical University provides an electronic net price calculator on the University's financial aid home page along with direct and in-direct costs of each program.

Crime Statistics and Campus Security (Clery Act) and the Annual Security Report (ASR): The ASR is housed on the University Police website and the policies are included in the Student Handbook.

Drug and Alcohol Policies and Prevention Programs: SUNY Upstate Medical University maintains strict policies against drug and alcohol abuse by our students, faculty and staff. The policy information is published in the Student Handbook and on the University website. The web page provides links to a wealth of information about illegal drugs, addiction, and local treatment providers.

Federal Loan Disclosures: SUNY Upstate Medical University provides information on the University website and the students MyUpstate portal which includes a link to the on-line entrance and exit counseling processes available on the Federal Direct Loan and National Student Loan Database (NSLDS) websites.

FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act): This page contains our privacy policies, including policies related to the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Additional information is contained in the Student Handbook.

Financial Aid Information: Information regarding application procedures, program descriptions, deadlines, etc. is available on the University website and includes links to www.fafsa.ed.gov FAFSA on-line application and www.pin.ed.gov Federal PIN website. Other Financial Aid related information can be found in the Finances section of the Student Handbook.

Fire Safety Policies/Statistics: Colleges that maintain on-campus student housing facilities must publish an annual fire safety report that contains information about campus fire safety practices and standards of the college. The report must also include statistics for each on-campus student housing facility during the most recent calendar year and must maintain a written, easily understood fire log.

Gainful Employment (GE) Information: Information about the graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program and other important information about the programs at SUNY Upstate Medical University can be found on the web page for each individual program. Links to the program pages of the each programs offered at SUNY Upstate Medical University are available from the main program pages through the link above.

General Information about the University: This information is housed in detail in the Student Handbook. There is also significant information on SUNY Upstate Medical University's website.

Health Insurance: Starting for the 2019-2020 academic year, Health Insurance will not initially be included in the initial Cost of Attendance. If you are required to pay out of pocket for health insurance, adjustments can be made to the COA after the fact. Review the Health Insurance page for coverage options.

Missing Student Notification Policy: The University's policy on missing students is published in the Student Handbook. There is also information located in the Annual Campus Crime Report and students living on-campus are provided a Missing Student/Emergency Card.

Nature of Educational Programs: This information is housed in detail in the Academic Catalog. There is also information on SUNY Upstate Medical University's website

Privacy and Information Security Policy (Gramm-Leach Bliley Act): Postsecondary institutions that participate in the Federal Student Aid Programs are subject to the information security requirements established by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for financial institutions. SUNY Upstate Medical University is diligent in protecting our students' personal information and privacy. This page contains our privacy policies, including policies related to Gramm, Leach, Bliley Act.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP): These policies are published in the Finances Section of the Student Handbook and on the University website.

Services Available to Students with Disabilities: An explanation of services provided to students with disabilities is published in the Student Handbook and on the University web page.

Student Body Diversity: This link to the College Navigator web site provides information on the diversity of SUNY Upstate Medical's student body, including the percentage of enrolled, full-time students who are male, female, self-identified members of a major racial or ethnic group who received a Federal Pell Grant.

Student Financial Services Code of Conduct: Staff members shall conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner, in accordance with the "Statement of Ethical Principles" set forth by the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators Association and other requirements set forth in the Code of Conduct published on the University website.

Student Handbook: Contains detailed information about the University and our academic programs. The Student Handbook is available on-line and contains university and college-specific information including: academic calendars; grading policies; Code of Student Conduct; and admissions policies. Academic program requirements can be found in the Academic Catalog

( http://n34j.geo-drillchina.com/prospective/basics/academic_catalog.php )

Textbook Information: SUNY Upstate Medical University must disclose on the University's internet course schedule used for advance registration and registration purposes, the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and retail price information of required and recommended textbooks and required supplemental materials for each course listed. Also, upon request of a university bookstore operated or affiliated with the university, the university must make available as soon as practicable the most accurate information available regarding the university's course schedule for the subsequent academic period, the information provided for students regarding the required and recommended textbooks, and supplemental materials for each course or class, the number of students enrolled I each course or class and the maximum student enrolment for each course or class.

Textbook Advance Authorization Policy: Find information at SUNY Upstate Medical University on-line bookstore web page regarding options available for obtaining books and supplies. This includes the procedures on how to attain textbooks and course materials for Pell Grant recipients with credit balances.

Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreements: These policies are posted on the University's website.

Vaccination Policy: Immunization requirements are published in the Student Handbook and on the University website.

Veteran Information: The Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 requires educational institutions to make certain disclosures to students using federal military and/or VA educational benefits. To view and print a copy of an estimated personalized cost of attendance you can visit the SUNY Net Price Cost Calculator and select SUNY Upstate Medical University from the dropdown. Additional financial information can be found at the NCES College Navigator site. The SUNY Financial Aid Plan (FAP) will provide a more in-depth analysis and accurate picture of student cost once the student has filed their FAFSA, completed a SUNY application, and has been accepted by a campus.

Voter Registration Activities: SUNY Upstate Medical University's actions to promote responsible citizenship and voter registration among our students are explained on this web page. The page also contains helpful links and information to assist students with voter registration.

Withdrawals, Leave of Absence, Refunds and Return to Tile IV (R2T4):  SUNY Upstate Medical University's policies concerning withdrawals, leave of absence, refunds and return to Title IV R2T4) are published in the Student Handbook and via the Student Accounts website.

Written Agreements: University's that have written agreements must disclose to prospective and enrolled students applicable to all schools where a program is designed to be offered by another entity; any portion of the program not being offered by the degree/certificate granting school, name and location of the other school/organization, method of delivery not being offered by the degree/certificate granting school and estimated additional costs that may incur due to arrangement.


(rev. 09/05/18)
